8 Things You must Know When Hiring Pest Control Services
Black Knight Pest
Many companies claim to be the best when it comes to getting rid of pests, however, not all of them are what they claim to be. Here are simple steps to guide you in making the decision to a company that will serve you best.
1. Get quality, not discounted price only
The temptation to get the cheapest service provider is attractive but do not fall into it. The cheapest will not get you a good service and the most expensive is not necessarily the best. The aim is not to look for the price range first but the quality of services offered. Once you are satisfied with the service and the quality then you can proceed to negotiating the price. Never do it the other way around.
2. Avoid door sales
Marketing requires a level of aggressiveness and that is why you will find many salespeople knocking at your door. However, when it comes to pest control do not welcome the pest exterminator at your door readily. Unlike other services that you may require anytime of the day like insurance, the rule does not apply for pests.
You need their services when you have a pest or require an inspection. Besides, door-to-door pest exterminators have a bad reputation of actually placing the pest in your home so that you call them in. Avoid this scam!
3. Check the fine print
When dealing with pest control companies make sure you read the fine print. Most companies work on a contract basis so ensure what you are singing into before your signature land on the dotted line.
4. Check for insurance
When searching for a service provider, on top of checking their quality of work ensure you find out if they are insured. You do not want to face an insurance case later on. Check as well whether they are certified and licensed to operate their business.
5. Check for guaranteed services
When you agree to the terms, find out which service you will be getting. Look out for companies that guarantee you of their work and offer a follow up. At times one may miss the pest the first time around or have a recurring case. Ensure they follow up and deliver. If they do not you may want to look for another solution
6. Associations add credibility
You will be assigned a specific exterminator who depending on the intensity of the job will come with other workers. Some are pest experts and others contractors. Ensure that the team that arrives at your house is certified and at least the leader of the team if not the company belongs to recognised associations.
7. Safety first
Before they begin their work, make sure you ask about the pesticide agents they will be suing. Most pesticides are harmful to human beings as well, when ingested. Ask for regulations governing their use so that you do not place yourself or your family at risk. Keep your pets and children away from the exterminators when they are working.
8. Get a recommendation
One of the best ways to find a reliable pest control service provider is to inquire from a friend or a relative. Chances are they will have heard or encountered a service provider you can trust.
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