Flea Control Riverside & Temecula | Indoor Flea Service
Affordable and natural flea control service plans from Black Knight Pest will clear your home of any fleas. Call 951-694-8100 for your free quote. Indoor flea removal and defense FLEA CONTROL
Flea Control for Indoor Environments
With this plan, the Black Knight will clear your home of any fleas. Black Knight’s Flea Control Service is practical and affordable!
Black Knight Termite and Pest Control Inc. will recommend that before any treatment the homeowner vacuum their carpet to help remove some of the adult fleas from the carpet. The vacuum bag should be emptied after use.
Black Knight Termite and Pest Control Inc. will then use a product that will kill the remaining adult fleas and also stop the development of eggs and larvae. This product that contains both Adulticide and Insect Growth Regulator (IGR). We also offer a natural, or non toxic solution.
Black Knight Termite and Pest Control Inc. recommends that the homeowner wash the bedding of your pet.
Black Knight Termite and Pest Control Inc. recommends a flea product for your pet. There are a number of flea control products available for your pet. The once a month topical products seems to work the best. Please check with your vet.
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