Flea Control
Megan Pinneo
Black Knight Pest Control for Flea Control and Extermination.
Pets, we love them and they are apart of our family, however they can bare with them the dreaded FLEAS! Being proactive with your vet in flea prevention is good practice but what else can you do to prevent fleas in your home? The flea professionals are here to help.
Fleas have a long life cycle which in turn makes them difficult to get rid of.
Remember that depending on the size of your flea problem hiring a professional may possibly be the best way to get rid of fleas.
Getting Rid of Fleas
Clean. You will want to sanitize areas where fleas breed the most. This means washing bedding, rugs, pet beds. Vacuum carpets.
Pets. Talk with your vet to see what treatment plan your animal should be on. Bathe pets, using a flea comb.
Treatment for home. Pet and home treatment should be done at the same time. The pest professionals at Black Knight Pest can help with your home flea treatment. You will want to see what flea program will be best for the outdoor areas of your home as well as indoors.
After care. The life cycle of fleas is complex. In some stages fleas can be more resistant to insecticides, follow-up treatments within a few days will most likely be necessary. Through the flea elimination process sanitation should be practiced. This will aid in getting rid of the eggs that are left behind.
Get rid of fleas in an indoor environment.
Black Knight Pest Control will insure that your flea problem is eliminated. Know that in the flea elimination process the home/pet owner is a crucial. The pest professional needs your help in getting rid of the fleas effectively. By working together with a pest professional your chances of the fleas coming back decreases.