Flea Control
Megan Pinneo
Fleas are a major burden to home owners and their animals. They can be difficult to get rid of once they have found their way inside your home. Fleas are problematic to their host, causing itching and inflammation that can last for weeks from them biting the skin. The bites of fleas are typically found in what look like clusters or lines on the skin of humans, mammals and birds. Hair loss often takes place on animals that are suffering from flea bites because of the constant scratching.
Cluster of Flea bites
Fleas are wingless, dark colored and have long legs with the hind pair well adapted for jumping. Horizontally they can jump 13 inches and vertically their jump can reach 7 inches. The body of a flea is tough and able to withstand extreme pressure making it difficult for them to be eliminated by scratching or mashing. A humans fingers do not stand a chance in killing these pests.
What you can do.
- Vacuum entire home and empty and or dispose of bag.
- Wash pets bedding.
- Bathe animals and give them flea treatment if possible.
- Apply baking soda on carpet and floor this dehydrates the fleas.
The most effective way to make sure that you have cleared your house fleas is to call a Professional, they can apply the proper treatment and make sure that the fleas do not return and if they do they can help you address the situation. Fleas are hard to get rid of but are easy to prevent if you take the necessary steps in keeping yourself, home and animals clean and monitoring them often.
Call for a free Flea Quote at Black Knight Pest Control today.