Fire Ants
Megan Pinneo
Things to Know About Fire Ants
Fire ants are one of the least popular pests you want to have a pest problem with. Fire ants can bite, and the sting they leave behind is most unpleasant. Not only can an ant infestation contaminate food, but they can destroy parts of your home. It may begin with a few ants you see pop up around your home or business, then one day you find the entire colony.
Things to know about Fire Ants-
Fire Ants Have Wings-
You may have mistaken a fire ant for a termite. Virgin queen fire ants and males have wings, and can look a lot like a termite swarmer. A queen fire ant will lay thousands of eggs a day!
A Fire Ant Bite Stings-
As we spoke of before fire ants give off a painful bite. Not only do bites from a fire ant sting but they can also cause an allergic reaction in some people. If you experience vomiting, or dizziness, after a fire ant bite attention from a doctor is advised. An allergic reaction from a fire ant can be extremely dangerous.
Fire Ants Don’t Just Have A Sweet Tooth-
Properly storing your food in an air tight container can help prevent against any pest, but it’s more than just the sweets you want to keep sealed to prevent against fire ants. Fire ants will feed on high fat foods in addition to sugary foods. Not stopping there they will eat insects, dead animals, and plant nectar.
Fire Ants And Electrical Currents-
Here we close out by talking about how fire ants love electrical currents similar to rodents. Fire ants will chew on wires which can lead to a heap of problems. Not only can rodents, and ants chewing through electrical wires cause a short circuit but it can lead to a hazardous fire. Inside electrical units is there perfect place for ants and other insects to hide and build their colony.
Fire ants can be difficult to get rid of on your own especially when you run the risk of getting bitten. Calling a licensed Pest Professional is recommended when dealing with a fire ant problem. Black Knight Pest Control can exterminate your fire ant problem guaranteed.