The Ants Go MARCHing One By One .. Or by the TON
Megan Pinneo
Ants in Spring
Get a bit of an idea of what is to come with ants in the home.
Ants are the number one nuisance pest in the United States. Wondering why are seeing so many tiny ants around your home lately? Could there possibly be an excess amount of crumbs and food for them to eat? If so that is exactly why, ants are looking for food and if your home has it that is where ants will be. Have the number of ants in your home reached it’s max for you to handle on your own? Black Knight Pest Control has a specific Ant Control Service designed to exterminate any any problem. Whether your ant infestation is indoors or outdoors a Black Knight Technician is ready to exterminate the ant problem.
Ants are most active in the spring. You will see an increase in numbers as the month go on into the summer.
So the question is how do you get rid of ants once you have them in your home?
How to get rid of ants?
Keep areas and surfaces CLEAN, and wiped down.
Store food in air tight sealed containers.
Remove all ant trails and clean with a cleaner from beginning to end of trail.
Use ant baits where is safe.
Seal off cracks, and entrances.
Call a pest professional.
Don’t crawl into an ant hill, call the Temecula Valley pest professionals.
Ants though tiny are not pleasant to deal with. The season for ants is just beginning, and getting on top of the problem when it starts is important in the elimination process. If what you are doing is not working there are local professionals that can help at Black Knight Pest Control.
Call to scheduled a FREE Pest Inspection today! Get the answers you need when you need them, NOW.
Win the battle with ants. Ants Eliminated with Black Knight Pest Control Service Guaranteed.