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Temecula, Murrieta, Menifee, Lake Elsinore, Hemet, Riverside, Fallbrook, Escondido, San Marcos, riverside county and san diego county



Black Knight Termite and Pest Control owners have been residing in and serving the Temecula and Murrieta area for over 20 years.  Their goal is to provide customers with the best quality service through their expertise and professionalism.  They are committed to providing on-time service, competitive rates and thorough inspection

Pest & Termite Control Blog

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Filtering by Category: Termite Control

Termite Week

Megan Pinneo

March 13th through the 19th is officially Termite Awareness Week.

Here are some Termite Fun Facts:

  • Termite colonies eat non-stop for 24hrs 7 days a week.
  • Termites are helpful decomposers as they are vital in the health of our forests.
  • Termites shed their wings once they have found a place to build their nest.
  • Drywood and subterranean termites eat wood, wallpaper, fabrics and plastics made from plants.
  • Termite workers and soldiers are almost always blind.
  • When termites detect a threat they tap a warning signal to the rest of the colony.
  • Termites lived 130 million years ago and descended from a cockroach-like ancestor.  
Termite Week

I save the best for last.

  • The total weight of all the termites in the world is more than the weight of humans in the world.

There are so many things that we do not know about these little pests. Never under estimate Termites no matter how small they may be.


Megan Pinneo

Dryrot can destroy your home.

Dryrot is wood decay caused by certain species of fungi that digest parts of wood, in doing so the fungi eats away at the strength of the wood, which can compromising your home. The wood that is now weak and been eaten away by the fungi will typically look dry and can resemble termite damage though it is not.


Wood to earth contact such as failed foundation is a common cause of Dryrot, however Moisture is the main cause. Eliminating the Moisture and finding the main source of what is causing the moisture such as leaking pluming and correcting the issue would be your first plan of action in helping control the issue of Dryrot and Fungus growth. If the moisture cannot be controlled or the Dryrot has taken over, the wood will need to treated and or most likely removed completely.

What you can do.

  1. Locate the damage and source of moisture.
  2. Replace damaged wood that has become weak.
  3. Treat new and existing wood to prevent growth of Dryrot and Fungus that may still be in the wood. (This would most likely be a job left to a Professional.)
Not the type of mushroom you would want to cook with.

Not the type of mushroom you would want to cook with.

Fungi that will destroy wood.

Fungi that will destroy wood.

Something many people may not be aware of is that Dryrot/Fungus if found during a Termite Inspection on a home would be "called out" as a Section One item according to the Structural Pest Control Board and would need to be treated and corrected before a Section One Clearance could be issued for the property.

Its hard to know what to do when you come across Dryrot or see Fungi growing around your home, save yourself the headache and worries. Call Black Knight Termite and Pest Control   we can inspect what is going on in and around your home. A Black Knight Professional can answer any questions and or concerns that you may have and even treat the damaged wood. In some cases if there is work that needs to be done such as wood replacements or rebuilds, Black Knight can take care of  that too.

Black Knight Fumigation

Megan Pinneo

Fumigation Treatment

Black Knight Fumigation

 We all have seen the tent covered house once or twice, and no it doesn't mean the Circus is in town.

There are several different ways to get rid of a termite problem and a fumigation is one commonly used by many home and business owners. A fumigation seems to bring up many questions and concerns, and hopefully I can answer some of those for you.

What is a fumigation?

A Fumigation is a method that uses a lethal gas to exterminate pests in an enclosed area.

What things do I need to do to prepare myself, family, and home before the fumigation?

People, pets and plants need to be removed from the home. Food and medications that are not sealed in highly resistant containers must be removed or sealed in protective bags and placed in the refrigerator. (Black Knight will provide the home owner with the needed bags up to a specific amount at no cost.)

How long will it take?

Depending on the type of infestation, size of the structure, dosage, and other factors, the fumigation can take anywhere from 6 hours to one week. Usually when using Black Knight Pest for the fumigation the tent will come down 3 days after the fumigation has taken place after 5 pm.

Does a fumigation smell?

No, structural fumigants are odorless.

Can anyone enter the structure while it is being fumigated?

Absolutely not. No one can enter the structure, doing so could result in serious injury or death.

Will a fumigation eliminate all the termites and pests?

The fumigation will not eliminate subterranean termites as they require separate treatment since their nests are underground.

The process of putting up the tent for the fumigation could take several hours depending on the size of the structure.

The process of putting up the tent for the fumigation could take several hours depending on the size of the structure.


There are many other questions that surround a fumigation that should be answered by a Professional. If you are concerned that you may be in need of a fumigation schedule a termite inspection with Black Knight and have a one on one with one of our Professional Termite Inspectors. They can answer any questions and or concerns that you may have and also give you a complete bid on the cost of a fumigation for your property.

Call Black Knight we are always happy to help.


It is recommended that you purchase a separate tile insurance for the roof. The professionals are extremely careful but a loss in a few pieces of tile may occur in the tenting process.

It is recommended that you purchase a separate tile insurance for the roof. The professionals are extremely careful but a loss in a few pieces of tile may occur in the tenting process.

Foam Treatment

Megan Pinneo

A Foam Treatment is used to exterminate Termites in an infested area. The formulation is delivered as a foam that can be injected under pressure and forced to wet thoroughly and uniformly all areas. The Formulation is a combination of termiticide TIMBOR or TERMINDOR and a foam formulation. Black Knight Termite provides a Guarantee limited to the area treated for a period of one year.

Pump containing the Foam Treatment mixture.

Pump containing the Foam Treatment mixture.

I went on site to one of Temecula's popular wineries, Maurice Car'rie to take a look at exactly what goes on during a Foam Treatment with Black Knight Termite Control Technician Matt. He made the process seem so simple.

  • First he showed me the pressure pump that is filled with the Foam Treatment mixture.
  • Next he directed me to the infested area in the plywood located at a high part of the structure.
  • Third he pokes small wholes just big enough to fit the nose of the pump into the wall.
  • He then fills the wall with the Foam Treatment.
  • Last the magic begins.
Matt seen here high atop the ladder getting to the source.

Matt seen here high atop the ladder getting to the source.

As the Foam works to destroy the Termite Colony, termites will not only be covered in the treatment but will also consume it. After some of the termites have died the others will feed on the expired corpses causing them to ingest the Foam as well if they have not already. This type of treatment option seems not only to be fairly simple when done by a Pest Control Professional but also effective.

Another satisfied Commercial Customer, Maurice Car'rie Winery.

Another satisfied Commercial Customer, Maurice Car'rie Winery.

If you haven't tried Maurice Car'rie's Pomegranate Champagne yet I suggest you do that fast and in a hurry! Tell them Black Knight Pest Control sent you.