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+1 (951) 694-8100

Temecula, Murrieta, Menifee, Lake Elsinore, Hemet, Riverside, Fallbrook, Escondido, San Marcos, riverside county and san diego county



Black Knight Termite and Pest Control owners have been residing in and serving the Temecula and Murrieta area for over 20 years.  Their goal is to provide customers with the best quality service through their expertise and professionalism.  They are committed to providing on-time service, competitive rates and thorough inspection

Pest & Termite Control Blog

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Filtering by Category: Ant Control

Celebrating 20 Years

Megan Pinneo

20 years sticker.png

     We are so proud to announce that Black Knight Termite & Pest Control, Inc. celebrated our very own 20th anniversary last month! We have come a long ways since we first started, particularly growing our small family owned business to a slightly bigger family owned business! 

     Black Knight originally started 20 years ago with only 2 trucks and 2 employees. Since then, we have been so blessed by our community making it possible to expand our family to having 15 trucks and 18 employees! *gasp* We have broadened our areas of expertise significantly as well. We now offer a wide variety of pest services in addition to termite and general pest control, such as gopher control, rodent control, bird control as well as thermal heat treatment!

     Earlier this year, we also acquired a new pest control route taking Black Knight to Redlands, Riverside and Menifee for accounts ranging from commercial to residential. We have seen our greatest improvement in the amount of active pest control routes that we are continuously adding to. Overall, in our 20 years of business, Black Knight has had the pleasure of serving the Riverside, San Diego as well as San Bernardino counties respectfully. 

     We are very proud of where we come from and are looking forward to thriving in the New Year. In light of our 20 year anniversary, all of our trucks are fashioning the new decal posted above. Thanks for all your love and support as we continue doing what we love. Wishing you all a prosperous year



Argentine Ants

Megan Pinneo

Argentine Ants

Argentine Ant Dwelling Mounds

Argentine Ant Dwelling Mounds

Argentine Mounds

Argentine ants though they may be tiny can create a large problem. Most of us have come across their large size mounds consisting of many tiny holes along cracks in the concrete. You may have noticed them even more now with the recent rain we have been having since they are likely trying to escape from flooding they are experiencing in their dwellings. Argentine ants may cause a problem while trying to seek shelter by creeping into your home in search for dry ground and food. This is the time to make sure your home is protected. Seal any cracks along window seal and doors and make sure that no food is left on the counters. If you do come across a trail wipe it away with a little soap and water. Pest Control is also an option if you can not fend them off yourself.

Having a problem with Argentine ants or any pest? Call Black Knight Pest Control for a free quote we have many different pest control options to meet any of your needs no matter what the pest may be.




Here comes the rain

Megan Pinneo

Bringing in the rain.. And the bugs

Ant in the rain

The rain is finally here and with the rain comes the bugs. Ever wonder why after a day of rain you see more worms, slugs, snails, ants, and other pests, it's because they are seeking higher ground. With the rain filling the places where they dwell they evacuate and do not return until the rain has stopped and their dwellings have dried. This is also why you may be seeing them in or around your home more as well. Insects see your home as the perfect spot to hold out till the rain has stopped. Watch out when you open that garage door, you may not be just pulling your car in for the night.

There are some things that you can do to keep them away.

  • Trim back any plants or foliage that may be close to or touching your home.
  • Seal any cracks or openings leading into your home.
  • Clear out any heavy storage in your garage.
  • Call a Pest Control Professional.

Don't be left out in the rain, take a few extra steps to help keep the pests out. Always remember that if you need some help with these creepy crawlers call Black Knight Pest Control 951.694.8100 and we will battle the rain and the bugs so you don't have to.

Stay dry and pest free.

The Bullet Ant

Megan Pinneo

Parponera Clavata

aka "Bullet Ant"

Thought you had an ant problem? Try living in the Amazonian Forest and having to deal with Bullet Ants. If your living in Nicaragua, Honduras, Paraguay or Costa Rica you know just what kind of ant I am talking about. The Bullet Ant is also known as the 24hour Ant which describes the lasting pain after a sting. A sting from the Bullet Ant can leave its victim weak, swollen and wiped out. In question to whether or not a Bullet Ant can kill a human is most likely only if the victim has an allergic reaction to the bite  or not.

Be Warned

The Bullet Ant will never attack unless provoked. They will first release a strong odor to serve as a warning before it will attack. While they are intimidating they will warn you first, don't say I didn't tell you so.

Tribe Rituals

Some native tribes use the Bullet Ants in initiation ceremonies for bringing young men into adulthood. The elders of the tribe first gather many of the ants and sedate them with a drug to make them drowsy long enough to place them into large woven mitts. Next, the young males must wear the mitts filled with the angry waking Bullet Ants for 10 minutes. They must endure the continuing pain of the bites for at least the next 24hours.  This ritual is done a total of 20 times in order to bring the young men into adulthood. Good thing we do not have Bullet ants here in the states!

Just Plain Ants

While you probably don't have a problem with angry Bullet Ants on your hands you may have a pesky plain ant problem taking over your kitchen, and if that is the case you need a Professional to help you with that. Call Black Knight Pest Control and ask about our Ant Control Service. We have a plan that will work for you!




5 Reasons Why You Might Be Attracting Ants Into Your Home

Black Knight Pest



If you find ants in your home, maybe once in a month, you will need to get rid of them but there is nothing much to get worried about. It could be summer and the heat is driving them indoors or simply an isolated case. The cause of worry starts when you spot them every few days. This means you are actually inviting them in for dinner literally! Many things we do cause the ants to scurry to our homes and they all center on food. When one ant finds food, it sends a signal to the rest through certain pheromones and the rest of the colony will join in the party. If you wonder why ants seem to be following a specific path, it is because they are – well, they are following the pheromone secreted by their colleague.

Understand what ant-invitation cards you have sent out in your home and see if you can try to cancel the invitations!

               1.       The spills and crumbs

One common statement is “I will do that later”. We say that when we spill a drink on the counter but do not want to miss a second of our favorite program or when we are too sleepy to get rid of the crumbs. In a matter of minutes, you have ants crawling up. The solution is to obviously clean up after a mess. After having a meal, a snack, cooking, or even doing dishes, ensure you wipe up the counter or table with a damp cloth to remove all sticky messes.

              2.       The dirty dishes in the sink

You may be too tired or simply lazy to do the dishes immediately but do not leave a huge mess at the sink. At least ensure you rid the food remains from the plates into the bin and place the dishes in the sink or in the dishwasher. When you leave them in the sink, pour some water over them to avoid the food sticking on the plates and the scent attracting ants.

              3.       The hurried cleaning

Many people clean the house on a daily basis but they perform a simple hurried clean of the areas one can see. Ensure that at least once in a week you clean under the fridge, the shelves, the microwave, and the area where you keep the bin. These areas tend to accumulate grease from food particles and make a buffet for the ants.

              4.       The open and ripening food

Ripe fruits do not attract ants but fruit flies that are harmless but a great nuisance. Instead of buying ripe groceries buy those about to ripen such that by the time you get to consume them they are not overripe and calling out for flies. Also, do not leave food uncovered even if it is in a dish. Place all food and ripe fruits in the fridge and well covered.

             5.       The wood lying around

If you have wood in your house such as timber or logs you use for firewood or for construction ensure they are kept in a dry areas and away from the ground. Decomposing and wet wood is food for termites and a home to carpenter ants. Once you invite one pest, the rest will come following so make sure you pay attention to this!

If you have a pest problem leave a comment or call us for advice.